
I Wanted to Kill My Husband

I found ways to survive the most violent attacks motivated by the drive to protect my children, for if anything happened to me, what would happen to them? Many times, I wanted to kill my husband while he slept and this would be a solution that would stop the ongoing pain. But I was restricted from killing because of my love and devotion for God at that time and I have had clients who have used lethal force to defend themselves, and their abuse stopped at the moment of their abuser’s death, but the trauma ties did not stop, as the chain of trauma continued to add new links associated with having to kill their abuser.

One such case is that of Idolina, a young woman who was abused in her youth by family members and in adulthood by her husband. She did find the courage to leave her abusive husband, file for divorce, and get a restraining order, with the support of friends. She took up a romantic relationship with one of her friends and they were cooking dinner together when the husband crashed through the back door and attempted to kill the boyfriend.

Idolina’s father gave her a gun and taught her to use it, which she kept loaded and ready in the bedroom, just in case. While the husband and the boyfriend were struggling, she ran into the bedroom to get the gun. When she came out, she shouted at her husband and told him to stop, or she would shoot him.

The husband then came after her to kill her, and she had to shoot him twice to stop him. The boyfriend called 911 and the husband died before the ambulance arrived. The abuse stopped, but new trauma links were added to the chain.

Idolina was investigated for murder, which was traumatic in itself, but the nightmares that haunted her for having to take such drastic measures, to actually kill a man she loved and married… Yes, she did file for divorce and get a protection order to stop the abuse, but it wasn’t enough, and she feels like he intended to haunt and terrorize her forever in this way.

As Idolina’s Certified Trauma Advisor using hypnosis and Curandero Therapy, I was able to assist her on her journey and she is no longer haunted or traumatized by her husband, and she is using her experience to reach out and help other women who find themselves in otherwise impossible abusive relationships.


Do You Have an Inner Child to Heal?

Healing your inner child? Does this sound weird to you? I know this could sound a little strange. But think about it when you were little did you not sometimes pretend you were like from outer space? You played games with other children your age. Did you ever pretend you were somebody else?

Of course, you did, it’s something like remembering your childhood. Or can you remember? We could take you back to a time when as a child, been happy. I remember being happy, playing with my dog. I remember loving that dog.

Sometimes, he wanted to play most of the time. I enjoyed playing with him. He would lay in the dirt and I would rub the dirt on his belly. I know he loved that, even though he did not say it in human language, but his tail would wag a lot and he would have a big smile on his face.

So, taking me back to those happy times, makes me happy. The inner child also holds the joy, innocence, and the confidence, we once had remembered that time, remember when you wanted to clime that fun looking tree, and everyone thought you were going to fall, and you didn’t because you just felt, like you were not going to fall.  That was a good day.

Working with some of our inner child trauma is to try to bring up some of the things that traumatized us when we were small. Sometimes, it is best to discuss these memories, with a professional. Some of the memories could be too much for you to remember on your own.

Try talking to someone you trust. Especially if you just need to talk about what you are learning. Or with someone, who was with you at that time, like a brother or sister, especially if they were not the tormentor.

Speak to your inner child

Seeking a therapist or Mental Health professional is always the best thing to do. Pick someone who has worked with people’s inner child and has a good record.

It’s quite interesting when you try to get your inner child to converse with you. Your inner child might not trust you, so, talk to this child with respect and if this child can trust you, this child will talk to you. You could learn many things. Tell your inner child, not to worry about something you know now as an adult, turned out well.

Write a letter to your inner child

Write down questions you may have or have the need to ask, write down how your Inner child felt as a child when certain trauma was happening. Write a letter to your inner child and explain to the child how you survived. Have the inner child write you a letter having the inner child go back to and cover each stage in your life.

How did the inner child feel at age one, or when the child started to walk and explore the world around him. Was he still confident? I suggest that when your inner child starts writing you, use your left hand. In

this way, you can physically see different handwriting. In its writings, you will actually feel your inner child’s words differently.   You just might feel silly doing this, but you will soon see how healing this is.

Please do not forget to validate this experience with someone you trust. Validate with a trusted friend, therapist, or mental health professional. For a breakthrough, you will need to bounce what happened off someone who can validate you.

You must understand that those repeated words in your mind that keep repeating the same negativeness.  You must remember that those negative repeating words were placed there by those who cause your trauma as a child.

Give yourself positive and loving confirmations;

  • Every day in every way, I am healing.
  • I will allow myself to be happy today.
  • I am healing every day.
  • Inner child, I am grateful you are in my life.
  • Sometimes, if I’m feeling sad, just thinking of you makes me feel better.
  • I am proud of the person I am/have become.
  • We have survived.
  • Inner child, we are a team you and me.
  • I love your laugh and your smile. (let’s see that again)
  • Nothing will stop me from loving you. (to inner child)
  • You are an important part of me.

You will be surprised by the outcome, the healing, of taking care of your inner child. Please allow your inner child to come out and play. To get to know who you really are. Which is part of you. It sounds silly, but it works, we all need this kind of healing in our lives.

GOD bless and many healings to you.





Does High Blood Sugar Cause Trauma?

If you are told that the reason you are in the hospital was that your blood sugar is off the charts. Does High Blood Sugar Cause Trauma? This was my sister, who had gotten an infection that had gotten out of control. They told her, her blood sugar was high due to the pain she was suffering; she did not know she had high blood sugar. They gave her a shot of insulin and told her, she was a diabetic. Luckily, her infection and her pain were under control and now her blood sugar was under control as well. Being in extreme pain is traumatizing enough as it is, but been told you are a diabetic as well, on top of that, just adds to the trauma.

What brings on all these illnesses, besides been Latino? It is already said as Latino, we are 98% Destin to be diabetics. But what brings the inset of illnesses? Trauma. Trauma brings childhood trauma or adult traumas and turns un-resolved or undealt with trauma, bringing on other illnesses, but diabetes is one of the prevalence of them all.

There has been increasing interest in the significance of the raised blood glucose that very often occurs in persons suffering critical illness and trauma. In several studies doctors in research have shown a connection between hyperglycemia and poor outcome;

Knowledge and studies in this area are extended by a recent study of patients and those suffering severe trauma, this appears to be combined, standing from childhood trauma and adult trauma.

Out of a study aimed to test a specific hypothesis that at admission were tested for blood sugar in the blood. 1,675 patients 555 other patients admitted into the emergency room at a Switzerland hospital qualified for this study entry. They were adults and non-diabetic.

103 out of the 555 patients died of high blood sugar. 8% of the 555 died of other circumstances. 103 patients to me are a very high number to die of high blood sugar due to their experience in trauma.

Inclusion of admission of blood sugar was shown to significantly improve the accuracy of currently used models to predict mortality among trauma victims. The authors of the study were able to use the data generated to establish a model for the prediction of death following severe trauma based on admission blood sugar alone

. This is very interesting information and discovery. Those with severe trauma die of a disease if they have suffered severe trauma, be it violent or sexual. If high blood sugar is not managed, which at times it is almost impossible due to all the ingredients a food contains, unless you are fixing your meals yourself.

According to Harvard schools, patients can risk losing limbs, losing eye vision, or go into a coma. Dangerously high levels of blood sugar can lead to a coma which is characterized by loss of consciousness which can lead to death.

Hang on to your seats, there is some good news, you can supposedly manage. You could say by starving practically. Your always hungry, why? Because your body, due to the sugar in your system, is quickly using up your food and using it up quickly, so you are generally always hungry.

I could lie to you and say most people with diabetes can lead happy, full, and normal lives with adjustments to their diabetes and use insulin injections and other measures. When you hear this do not believe it. Do you know one? Yes, they do the best with it. But HAPPY? I don’t think so. But each his own.

If you are just a pre-diabetic, don’t’ take metformin, it will get you into a diabetic 1 faster than you know. Using meditation and getting to know your body, is the first step. Manage the sugar intake is another step, but many foods contain carbohydrates, and it’s the carbohydrates that you have to watch for and try to have a healthy liver. A healthy liver is very important, it takes care of the sugar intake, not the pancreas.

May God gives the long lives and heals us from our traumas and their illnesses. Many blessings to all of us who suffer from diabetics.


Is suicide the answer?

There is so much pain and suffering from trauma, physical pain, an illness like cancer, which, carries many emotional, mental, and physical pain and suffering. But is suicide the answer?  Doctors can give you pain killers, just to get addicted to them soon enough.  Many people have survived cancer, more now than ever before. Holistic healing is the major reason.


Yes, at one time chemo-therapy cancer treatment, was thought to be the only way to go.  The cure was worse than the disease.  Chemotherapy cancer treatment, “is a curative intent. It is aimed to prolong life or reduce symptoms (Wikipedia)

Many people have taken their life, because of cancer. I believe it’s the hardest news to get, next to my son or my daughter’s death. As I have seen, it’s a miserable experience getting all the chemotherapy treatments.

There are so many suicides, every day according to the internet is there an average of 132 suicides per day, or every 12 minutes just right here in this country. It’s so sad that these people did not get help. Especially if they left children, spouses, or really anyone who loved them.

They probably felt like they had no choice. This next statement may sound cruel to you, but sometimes that’s a choice that person has to make. Unfortunately, there is no choice to end this pain and suffering.

IT takes a very brave person.

My dearest loving sister had cancer. Maria Elena was her name. To me, she was the bravest person I have ever met.  Maria Elena suffered from cancer for 18 years. I remember seeing her very sick and in a lot of pain when she took Chemo. (under her doctor’s care, of course.)

Unfortunately, my sister did not believe in holistic healing. When she did try to go to a healing institution, it was too expensive and they told her cancer to far advanced, her insurance would not cover her cost.

My sister was very religious, she felt that God was punishing her for having bad thoughts about her husband. She wanted to leave him at one time. Then, she spoke to the stupidest person in the whole world about it. He said,” there you go that’s why”. Her father.

What we feel at the core of our soul and belief, sometimes does not help. It as if (and I have heard this before) it’s as if the universe heard you and It said, “your wish is my command”. What you feel and wish, by putting some strong emotion to back it up, comes to be.

I believe that a suicide mission depends a lot on what the person can bear and if they can let someone know that cares, they can get help. But if that person has no one, feels alone, depressed, and has extreme pain, they will commit suicide. Do we have control over anyone like that and can help? That is the only way to stop the suicidal person.

If they have a detailed plan on how they will kill themselves and start giving away things that were precious to them. They are saying “goodbye”

Some of the following are some signs of suicidal ideations;

  • Drastic changes in mood or other notable behavior.
  • Aggressiveness or irritability.
  • Threaten to kill themselves.
  • Loved one feels hopeless and sees no future.
  • Drastic mood changes.
  • Giving things away.
  • They feel like life is not worth living.
  • Frequently talking about death.
  • That person is feeling like a burden to their loved ones or others.
  • Negative view of self.
  • Even making funeral arrangements.
  • If you get the feeling of or know of someone wanting to take their life. Do something.

If you know of someone and need help to decide if that person needs help. Please call –

1800- 273-8255    or call the “National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, –911.

It is a tragic reaction to a stressful life situation. Please” reach out” to someone, don’t let it go that far. Is there something special we can say other than “I love you”, “I will miss you”.  I am sorry, my readers. I don’t know what other encouraging words there are to stop someone from taking their life.  “I will miss you” has worked for me.

I feel love for you, we want you to feel love for your life, love for those who love you and will miss you. But most and first of all, love for yourself. May God Bless and give you strength.



Healing Trauma with music

I had a client who tried in many ways to give his wife all he knew how to try to make her happy. Later in their relationship, he discovered that she had suffered violent and traumatic traumas. Without knowing, and being a musician himself, he gave her the greatest gift she has ever received- music, where she could write her songs and heal from her traumatic past.

Little did I know that writing your songs, and singing them, was another form of healing. In my researches, I have discovered that cultural modalities play a very important role in helping recover from trauma. I like Mexican music. I always use music, as a motivation, when my house needed to be cleaned, laundry needed to be done, and clothes are folded. I used the broom to dance and sweep with it. It’s made such a task, fun.

In my research, I understood that individuals suffering from PTSD used sports and games to cope with their trauma. I also learned that poem writing, writing your story, writing and singing your story, or learning to play an instrument is a way of healing and coping from trauma.

Children created musical compositions to assist them with their feelings of feeling unsafe at school. Music therapists and music programs along with the arts programs in school or the community, get very little recognition as a mechanism for recovery for children’s trauma and adults as well.

But despite all the positive and effective positive examples of art and music therapist, there is a need for recognition of these evidence base coping styles. These programs are not given the credits that need to be implemented in school programs.

These programs are designed to reduce stress, improve coping with trauma together with crises, by drawing and special techniques along with musical songwriting and singing, together with relaxing the mind, body, and spirit with music.

A bright light turned on in my head, karaoke, sing-along songs, is a very healing way of coping with trauma as well. Even if you can not carry a tune, you can do this in the privacy of your home or bedroom. Look for your favorite sing-along songs.

You can children also use the karaoke machines and sing their favorite sing-along songs. Make it a karaoke night. Have the children pick the songs they would enjoy singing to. There are so many. Your children will love it and at the same time healing with songs will become some of the favorite ways of feeling much better and heal of almost anything.

Doesn’t this make a lot of sense? It’s a way of releasing your feelings, your negative energy, it’s a fun way of healing, you may find yourself crying and releasing heartfelt pain. At the same time feeling much better, a little sad maybe, so sing another song with more pep in it. Check on your emotional state of mind. You will see and feel different. Remember, it might take a couple of songs to write or sing, the next thing you know you’re feeling good.

You will wake up and you just could feel some relief in your sigh and be free of pain. Continue doing what you’re doing to heal the suffering too. It’s a beautiful feeling, Please do not look for the pain and suffering, because it will come back if you stop singing or songwriting  Feeling some sadness and some disappointment in our lives, but singing is just a tone away. Voice out your feelings and turn them into songs. I know this artist who turned into a famous singer, singing about her traumas and became very famous and popular singing about her losses in her life, placed them in a song and now is famous and making a lot of money as well.

Many Blessings and healings from your song. God Bless.


Child Trauma and Obesity

I had a client who has gained so much weight during his young life. Here, why? He was abandoned by his mom when he was 4 months old. His dad became mentally ill after his wife left. Leaving the baby to be raised by someone who was too ill to really take care of the baby. He was left with a babysitter who would place him in a dark closet when he was bad. Dad came to pick him up one day, a little early, and she brought him out of the closet. Dad never took him back there.

Dad did try his best he could, but it was too hard for dad, who had to work to support himself and pay to babysit for the baby.

When the baby was now 4 years old, dad could not effort to have a babysitter, he worked graveyard. He left my client at home by himself. Taught my client to dial 911 or his dad’s sister who lives a two-hour drive from their house, just in case my client, needed to talk to someone.

My client said he did call a time or two, when he got scared at night, thinking someone was outside his window, and his Annite, did make him feel better and he fell asleep with her on the line. He’d wake up and she was still there. Knowing that he felt safe.

My client said he felt hungry all the time. Now he alone answered his own question of why? He needed to fill his emptiness and depression he filled it with food. Playing games on the commuter and watching movies, was his way out to feed the loneliness. He stated, he was not physically active. He knew this was one of the other reasons he would gain more weight. He knew he had habits to change.

This is what we came up with.

  • As a child, he was abandoned by his mom. He needed and desired motherly love, which he noticed at school when moms would stay for a program, he wished he too could be held, hugged, and showed love by a mom. He never had that but desired it.
  • His father finally got better and was more affectionate to him. But dad, later met a lady, who had a nephew, who later, forcefully, sexually molested him.
  • My client felt that he was just eating his life away. He felt very happy when he could eat a large meal, he just ate whatever he wanted. Mainly, hamburgers and fries, after school meals. He could drink a liter of pop in one sitting.
  • My client suffered from bullying in school he stated kids made fun of his weight.
  • My client filled much of his emotional needs with food. In which he had already developed, type two diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, In which he could develop cardiovascular disease.

Now, understanding his childhood trauma, he has lost 67 lbs. to this date but says he has to remember at times, not always, why he feels so hungry. He is finally feeling better about himself. He has more friends and better self-esteem.

His next goal is to find a girlfriend, get married and start a family.

Many Blessing to my Client and all those who have a problem with weight and that they heal from emotional reasons.


Trauma Geek

It’s amazing to me how different we all from each other, we all speak different languages, yet we can learn to speak them if we want to. But when it comes to communication, sometimes understanding each other emotionally, it is a different story. I have an autistic nephew, and it appears we have a difficult time with our communication.

We miss each other’s understanding or try to see eye to eye. I am trying to explain something to him and he thinks I am scolding him When I am just trying to explain something to him.  So, I started reading about processing differences in which we speak another language. WTF.

Now they call it by another name. People who are autistic are called neurodivergent. Those who are not autistic are called neurotypical.  As I understand none of us are at fault. We are speaking different languages.

There is a theory that when people who have different experiences of the globe interact with one another, there is a struggle to understand each other. A study and recent research from the University of Edinburgh found more problems in more ways of conversation and social communications.

Autistic people do not have a problem sharing information with other autistic people. Just as I feel the same way when I am communicating with someone who speaks the same languages as me.

The same is known when someone who speaks another language is speaking the same language there is not a problem. But when placed with for example a neurodivergent, there could be a misunderstanding, as if the interpretation is not translating in the same meaning of the interpretation. Yes, very confusing.

Lack of understanding goes in both directions with both neurotypical and neurodivergent. Autistic humans process emotions differently because they feel and sense at a higher extreme. They have a deeper feeling of emotion.

Almost 75% to 100% more when it comes to happiness, they are elated. Very interesting, when they are sad, however, they feel distraught, grief is like the end of their world. All feelings, taste smell, have a deeper effect. Where in the neurotypical, some of our emotions are turned off. Sometimes, because we do not want to feel so much because that is a way of protection for neuro-typical.

Neurodivergent people relate with those whose emotions match the situation of the moment like spending time with children or animals who do not hide their emotions they match facial expressions.

Neurodivergent is very smart/intelligent people, they learn differently, yet can do things quickly like math, placing images together quite quickly, I myself feel like their genius.  I admire the way they think and place life in their perspective very nicely. And it is to make situations easier for themselves.

They drop the mask when they feel it is safe too. Phobias, anxiety, depression agitation, hostility, social isolation are not part of who they are, very remarkable.  Meltdowns and shutting down is quite healing for the neurodivergent when they find themselves stressed and if it is intensified.

My fiancé is a neurodivergent, He is so much better for me than any neurotypical, He is so loving, sweet, funny, faithful, very important to me and he makes me laugh and makes me very happy. I want to make him very happy as well. We do have to learn to communicate. There are times, we don’t have to say anything to say “I love you.” He knows when I am sincere, he knows if I am thinking of something that is bothering me. He is a different type of man, and secretly… I love it! I am in love with this man! I do have to admit, he is beautifully different.

May God bless them all.

Rosa M. Luna



Does high blood sugar cause Trauma

If you are told that the reason you are in the hospital was because your blood sugar is off the charts. This was my sister, who had gotten a infection that had gotten out of control. They told her blood sugar was high due to the pain she was suffering; she did not know she had high blood sugar. They gave her a shot of insulin and told she was a diabetic.

Luckily, her infection and her pain were under control and now her blood sugar was under control as well. Being in extreme pain is traumatizing enough as it is, but been told you are a diabetic as well, on top of that, just adds to the trauma.

What brings on all these illnesses, beside been Latino? It is already said as Latino, we are 98% destine to be diabetics. But what brings the inset of illnesses? Trauma.

Trauma brings childhood trauma or adult traumas and turns un-resolved or undealt with trauma, bringing on other illnesses, but diabetes is one of the prevalence of them all.

There has been increasing interest in the significance of the raised blood glucose that very often occurs in the persons suffering critical illness and trauma. In a number of studies doctors in research have shown a connection between hyperglycemia and poor outcome;

Knowledge and studies in this area is extended by a resent study of patients and those suffering severe trauma, this appears to be combined together standing from childhood trauma and adult trauma.

Out of a study aimed to test a specific hypothesis that at admission were tested for blood sugar in the blood. 1,675 patients 555 other patients admitted into the emergency room at a Switzerland hospital they qualified for this study entry. They were adults and non-diabetic.

103 out of the 555 patients died of high blood sugar. 8% of the 555 died of other circumstances. 103 patients to me are a very high number to die of high blood sugar due to their experience in trauma.

Inclusion of admission of blood sugar was shown to significantly improve the accuracy of a currently used models to predict mortality among trauma victims. The authors of the study were able to use the data generated to establish a model for prediction of death following severe trauma based on admission blood sugar alone

. This is very interesting information and discovery. Those with severe trauma die of a disease if they have suffered severe trauma, be it violent or sexual. If high blood sugar is not managed, which at times it is almost impossible due to all the ingredients food contains, unless you are fixing your meals yourself.

According to Harvard schools, patients can risk losing limbs, losing eye vision, or go into a coma. Dangerously high levels of blood sugar, one can led to a coma which is characterized by loss of consciousness which can lead to death.

Hang on to your seats, there is some good news, you can supposedly managed. You could say by starving practically. Your always hungry, why? Because your body, due to the sugar in your system, is quickly using up your food and using it up quickly, so you are generally always hungry.

I could lie to you and say most people with diabetes can lead a happy, full and normal lives with adjustments to their diabetes and use insulin injections and other measures. When you hear this do not believe it. Do you know one? Yes, they do the best with it. But HAPPY? I don’t think so. But each his own.

I you are just a pre-diabetic, don’t’ take metformin, it will get you into a diabetic 1 faster than you know. Using meditation and getting to know your body, is the first step. Manage the sugar intake is another step, but many many foods contain carbohydrates, and it’s the carbohydrates that you have to watch for and try to have a health liver. A healthy liver, is very important, it takes care of the sugar intake, not the pancreas.

May God gives the long lives and to heal from our traumas and its illnesses. Many blessings to all of us who suffer from diabetics.


Racial Trauma

There are many exposures to discrimination, either at a store where someone will give another a discount but not you. Something as simple as that, and that person will deny it when confronted. What can you do? Do you just get used to it and you don’t realize it anymore? Are we just second-rate citizens? I remember a couple of years ago, I was looking for a house to rent to move closer to my job. I found just the right house. When I finally got ahold of the person in charge, I made an appt. with her and when I told her I wanted the house she gave me a form to fill it out. On it, she wanted to know my race. When I ask her why she gave some story about it was for insurance purposes.

I refuse to write it down. I let her know that I worked at a job, where she did not have to worry about me paying the rent. She did not ask for a credit check. Do you know you have this inside feeling that she did not want to rent to you? She did not have a reason not to rent her house to me. I had excellent credit. Not good, not ok, it was excellent.

This was an older white lady,  in my experience, older white people have a set mind about other races, if they are not white or born in the United States.

But I even showed her my birth certificate, that’s how bad I wanted that house. It was perfect for me. How sad, she said right to my face she said: “I do not want to rent to you.” No reason or explanation.

My skin is brown and I am Mexican American born here in this Great Country of the United States of America. As a person of Mexican ethnic race, I have always feared if I am stopped by a police officer, will I be labeled as an undocumented immigrant.

When I hear about the children in cages, It is very traumatizing when we hear how many Latino children are dying in those cages. Likewise, when we see a video about an unarmed black person being killed by police, we get re-traumatized.

I have everyone in my prayers. This can cause a person to think about and re-live a trauma, flashbacks, or even nightmares.

I am always worried about my son more these days, because he is half black, but looks black and half Mexican and enjoys been black as well. I told him when he was little he could be any race he wanted to be. After all, we are in the land of the brave and the land of the free.

Discriminations can cause intense anxiety, depression, and other negative effects on an individual’s life in many ways. Unlike other traumas, racial discrimination is an everyday occurrence.

This means this is a chronic trauma and aggression sickness that faces all of us in the communities, making it hard to recover from.

Can you believe that the American Psychological Association, believes that those in the Mental Health field and others do not diagnose symptoms of racial trauma? They probably connected it to other types of traumas that are suffered in childhood. They do not know how to assess for race-related trauma symptoms.

Even the DSM-5 blue book, (The Diagnostic and thee Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders) limits the traumatic events and calls them closer to the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) diagnoses. They make a claim that it has most of the symptoms based on traumatic experienced events.

Some of the people of other races or color may have trouble finding clinicians of the same culture or their same race with whom people feel they could identify and could treat their symptoms appropriately.

The causes of racial trauma are everyday trauma and it is not a one-time event. That is why we as individuals, need to learn to manage our trauma and will have to adopt new strategies to find support for racial discrimination.  These could be;

  • Avoid (if possible) people who don’t feel discrimination is not as serious that people make it out to be.
  • Look for support groups or communities that understand racial discrimination or traumas.
  • Limiting or staying away from some T.V. news or avoiding images of racial abuse.
  • Most importantly, take part in activism against racial injustice.
  • Get support from others who have also experienced Trauma racial trauma by using and
  • identifying healthy coping skills.
  • Remember violence and substance abuse is not the answer.
  • Find trauma-informed care programs to help you identify healthy coping skills.

When a person feels empowered, they are less likely to accept bad behaviors from themselves or others.  Love and peace start here with us and in our hearts.

Our purpose should be that of making this world a safe and loving environment for our children and all those we love. I wish we could all just love one another just because we are all human.

May God give strength to those who have the courage to want to make a change. Many Blessings.






What is trauma informed care?

What is trauma-informed care? Trauma-informed care was started in 1992, but in 1998 it began to take strength with “women, co-occurring disorders and violence study sponsored by the SAMHSA (Substance abuse and mental health services and administration). Which integrated the service system for women with substance abuse and disorders and mental health illnesses who had been victims of violence and trauma.


SAMHSA is in charge of improving the quality and availability of treatment and rehabilitation services to reduce illnesses, death, disability, and the cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illness. SAMHSA reports directly to the U.S. Department of health and human services. This is a Federal agency.

The effects of trauma can be traumatic within itself. Its effects of trauma go far beyond its psychological and physical effects, it doesn’t only affect us emotionally, mentally, and physically, it changes all who are affected. 95 million people this only includes just people here in the United States that are affected with trauma and its effects each of us in a different way.

How it affects a person differently from one to another is still a mystery, It is very complex, it depends on many other factors as well., including the resources of each individual.

Trauma in childhood experiences is more severe and it affects the child’s mental and emotional development and its lasting effects on their health and their well-being in their adult life.

Survivors of trauma are at times unconsciously or at times consciously “triggered” by anything that could remind the individual of the event and reacts unknowingly and reacts to the feeling of being unsafe. Trauma-informed care gives the traumatic skills to the power imbalance between the triggering of the person’s anxiety and its effects.

The therapist presents a practical model of care and coping skills to deal with triggers. This gives the individual more excess to the balance of some other feelings of been unsafe, in danger, and the needed knowledge of self-care and empowerment.

Trauma-informed care has been defined as a strengths-based service delivery approach in which is it is an understanding of responsiveness in trauma. It gives attention to the impact of the emotional safety of both providers and survivors which allows them to rebuild with a sense of control and empowerment.

Trauma-informed care creates a healing environment for everyone who cares to be involved. This program is for everyone. Many care providers and staff, including all other co-workers, are all trained in this program because anyone can be affected by many forms of trauma a shared aspect relating an understanding for all.

Health care staff and therapists can teach calming techniques and breathing exercises.  A child can use the example of blowing soap bubbles, I use this method to assist with children, very successful, I use the soap bubbles in other healing modalities as well.

Practicing some of these exercises can help us personally, in our hectic working world.  Practicing mindfulness and staying in touch with our thoughts, our feelings, our breathing and utilizing some of these exercises, we can lessen our symptoms of trauma and manage our stress.

Trauma is a universal human experience, but more prevalent in other populations around the globe. Especially in children, all children in which the health problems start in some cases in adulthood.

Trauma-informed care holds promise for providing and improving health outcomes and better results. Including breaking the cycle of intergeneration of trauma. Those who utilize this program can improve their lives by intricating the lessons and tips provided in these programs. They come with experts and well-trained health professionals, co-workers, and staff. Many blessings to everyone.

God Bless