
Am I Depressed?

Do you sometimes just wake up and you’re feeling sad?  Do you feel like crying for no reason? We all wake up one day feeling like this, and if it goes away during the day. It was gone. If not let’s look more into “the Why” of it.

Depression comes in many forms, if we seem to be afflicted more often, or it just does not go away, then we have to become like investigators and find out why. Unresolved trauma?

  • It could be the medication we are taking for high blood pressure or high blood sugar or other medication you are a bit aware of having side effects.
  • A problem with your significant other.
  • On-the-job deadlines or need to find employment.
  • If you still getting monthly menstruations, sometimes the hormonal changes could onset depression.
  • Speaking of hormonal change, did you just pave a baby. This is called postpartum depression. It could turn into a serious illness.
  • Having financial difficulties. This is a big one.
  • A loved one died.
  • For thyroid problems, you’d have to see a doctor.
  • You need surgery, but no medical insurance.
  • Sleeping problems, cannot get plenty, and a healthy dose of sleep.

There are many more reasons you could be depressed. But if it continues, that it’s best to see a doctor. You will not know until you see one.   If your depression keeps you in bed all day, or you just want to sleep and not get up for your daily routines, and you feel you are unable to dysfunctional and you cannot get up to do your daily chores, like cook, shower, get up to take care of yourself than this depression has turned into something more serious.

Some of us can see signs of psychotic episodes, changes in our moods, are more irritable than usual, mania, anger, not wanting to see friends. Another condition that could cause depression is bipolar disorder.

Some days you’re happy for a short and the next moment you not. Your mood changes frequently.  For some, depression may be a lifelong challenge that may require treatment. Talk to your doctor if you are suffering from depression or a major depressive disorder. Anyone, in any life situation, can have depression.

  • It can be genetic, as an inherited by DNA and /or family. Check family history.
  • Seasonal, this is something that affects most populations, Due to the seasonal change. Daylight hours get shorter. It gets darker sooner some times you could feel tired or could lose interest in activities because it’s too dark outside for outside activities.
  • You must have triggered a recollection of a bad event.
  • Poor performance at work or at school or other activities that you are responsible for and people depend on you to do your part.
  • Due to that your trauma event, you are having trouble focusing and concentrating.
  • Trouble making good decisions or thinking clearly.

Once you have experienced depression and feeling wonderful the next day, you will know the difference between the two feelings and will want to get help. Because once you have experienced those feelings of depression, you will know the difference and will want to get rid of the depressed feeling.

I will never claim to be an expert, I do know the symptoms of depression. Like any disease, it is not easy to get help unless you know the feeling of wellness and living without depression or overwhelming sadness.

Absolute, wellness and the feeling of balanced or healed means you will have more energy.

  • you will feel free.
  • You will feel more empowered.
  • More in control of your destiny, your life
  • You will be able to solve problems or be able to have resources to receive and solve them.
  • You will feel love for others and please, love yourself. Take care of yourself. Number one (you).
  • You will love others like your friends, those who care and love you.
  • Most of all have a purpose. Get a reason to live. Find someone to help.
  • Others need you.

Everyone heals from trauma in different ways, what worked for me, might not work for you so as always, I highly recommend a “support group”. Find your way to healing, and your purpose right here on this planet. Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick? Know that you are not alone. Please get help.

Many blessings to you and your angels.