
Trauma from Emotional Agony

How will I know if I am in agony? Sounds like depression to me. Sounds like something happened like “I lost my job,” I am getting a divorce, I am pregnant and the father does not care about the baby, my house burned down, no insurance of any kind. This leads to trauma and emotional agony.

So many difficult problems in this world that could place you in turmoil. Where to go from here?

In today’s world, there are so many things that can affect us, even everyday things, the car did want to turn on this morning, had to call work can’t come in, need to fix the car by tomorrow, in order to go to work, to pay rent and bills. No work, no money, no money, no food, no roof over my head. If I go on, I could have a heart attack!

I feel overwhelmed, all this, and all this so early in the morning, can things get any worse? (oops, should not have said that to the universe), Well, might as well do a couple of loads of laundry, this will help me catch up with a little of my chores. Why is there still water in my washer? Lost it! “Hi mom, why are you home?”

Who does not feel “rage” at this point? Uncontrollable rage. This is the part when someone, bigger than you, needs to come in and hold you down or sit on you until your energy is exhausted. Do you feel better? No, now your overly overwhelmed by guilt, intense shame, and you hate yourself.

You may think you are just reacting to your car, now your washing machine, and everything cost money, that you really don’t have. Life is so unfair.

I believe we have all been there or have been so close to feeling like this. Have you ever had a day like this?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I having some sort of mental breakdown?” If you must ask yourself this question, then you are still sane enough to ask yourself this question.

In other words, a person going crazy, would not ask themselves this question.

A crazy person or an insane person would not be asking the question. They would be blaming someone else or would not know or acknowledge that they “maybe” were insane or going crazy.

This could be called “emotional agony” you could consider it like being an onset of a mental illness. Have you heard that lots of things are considered to cause cancer? The same with mental health concerns. It could be a mental illness but it could just be symptoms of life’s struggle.

Some people may feel some negative emotions like sadness, where am I going to get money to pay for my car to get it fixed? Now my washing machine is not working, can I afford to have someone come and look at it?

I will have a co-worker come and pick me up for work, take the bus, something. I am embarrassed to ask. Will they think I am an incapable person? But I have to do something in order to get to work

Now you are trying to solve your problems, that’s a good sign. So, you call a co-worker and they said yes, but only until you get your car out of the shop. That will work for right now.

Things are looking up. But if you are feeling like you need help, please do not hesitate to get professional help. Join a support group. Especially, if you are feeling depressed or overwhelmed still.

There are many resources to help, you just have to look in your community. Ask those at the support group, they know what you are going through.

Here are some pointers if you need to evaluate yourself, just be honest with yourself.

No one will know except you.

  • Am I feeling paranoid and believe that someone is making this happen in my life?
  • Am I so depressed that it is affecting my daily routine?
  • I want to be left alone, don’t want to talk to friends or relatives.
  • One moment I am OK, the next moment I am crying for no reason.
  • I am gaining weight, which makes me more depressed. Overeating.
  • I am not sleeping well; I wake up worrying about my bills and problems.

If you are irritable frequently, get someone to talk to that you trust. Get an appointment with a therapist. Talk to a counselor or mental health professional who knows about emotional agony, emotions that you can work with to help yourself.

  • Aromatherapy.
  • Meditations, breathing exercises.
  • Try yoga, exercises, dancing, running in place.
  • Finding a running friend, it is not safe to run alone.
  • Writing down your feelings.
  • Please do not use alcohol or drugs, they only make things worse

Remember that you are not alone. Who knows? At the support group, you just meet someone who knows how to fix the washing machine. You will never know unless you get up, get out, and try. May our Creator, give you prosperity and health.

Many blessings to you.