
How do Shamans and Curandero Healers Heal Trauma Victims?

curandero is someone who practices Curanderismo in Hispanic culture. A curandero is a spiritual leader in the community. They treat people who have had a traumatic incident in life or experienced unusual circumstances.

My mother was a curandera, as was her mother and her grandmother generation upon generation.  Mama Luna was a very magical curandera. As a curandera, she’d heal adults, children, and infants of some childhood illness.

La mollera, is one of the infirmities that I would see my mom heal infants from. La mollera is that soft spot on the center top of the infant’s head. It would fall and it seems to appear like a small hole on top of the infant’s head. If it was not even with the skull, the baby would get fuzzy, cry frequently, sometimes get colic. The baby would not be able to get appropriate sleep. After la mollera would get lifted and the baby would instantly fall asleep and from then on,  get the much needed sleep.

Curanderismo is not just for anyone. The curandera would get the skills handed down to them from another curandera or curandero. Especially if they are in the family. My mother told me I had the power within me to become a curandera.

Of course, I did not listen or learned her modalities. I was very religious and did not study beside her as is the tradtion. Years later, here I am following in her footsteps. Except I use hypnotherapy, took it in colledge, and Reiki teachings. I teach Reiki and attune everyone who is willing to study and practice it.

Healing Power of the Curandero

The curandero dates back to Hispanic people’s lives from Mexico and other South American countries and now, here in the United States of America. Curanderos seem to be the masters of their skills in healing traumatized patients. The curanderos’ gifts to heal come from God.

The three types of curanderos are herbalists; yerberos is one, the second is partera which means midwife, and the third is massaera which means the massage therapist.

Curanderos have exquisite skills of healing patients. They have a variety of solutions to the problems brought to them.


Shamans are similar to the curanderos, who plays the role of healer and spiritual leader in their community. Historically, shamanism was the first religion of humanity and has been in existence for more than 99% of our existence.

Most shamans are men, and very occasionally women.

While shamanism regularly gave way to extra bureaucratic religious strategies over the millennia, the religion itself did not disappear; instead, it took new forms.

The shaman’s critical conduct is to go into an altered state of a person’s focus, which induces via drumming. Occasionally, they may try this through psychological practices, which include sensory overload or sensory deprivation. In some instances, the shaman ingests plant hallucinogens or gives them to his customers.

The shaman controls the trance effectively. The shaman uses this state to see into the client’s destiny or to contact the spiritual entities by using his religious entities. These then call and conquer the evil, negate hexes, curses, neutralize witchcraft, and restore the client into good health.

Next, is the psychotherapy method about behavior modification                                                                                         

It has been observed that shamanic research is packed with the analysis of magic and his descriptions. The shaman plunges a knife into his parka. Under it, he has hidden an animal bladder complete of blood, which spurts everywhere around; it is not unlike a stage magician. This attests to his incredible powers.

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive Restructuring focuses on the shaman’s rationality. Despite his theatricality and changed states of consciousness, the shaman is a rational and empirical person. He combines capabilities in botany, pharmaceuticals, and psychology. He is quick to give recommendations in his recovery capacity.

Shamen also have an impressive and fantastic list of healing plants and animals, that they grow or gather. Indeed, rational and empirical methods are shamanic healer’s strength and power.

We have told various methods and techniques of how do shamans and curanderos/healers heal trauma victims.

The curanderos and shamans are the most famous and have multiple skills to remove physical or mental illness inflicted by adverse circumstances.

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