
More Homeless Children This Winter


I still have not heard what congress is doing about the no-eviction order. I am very worried about what is going to happen to the children. We know that homeless teens are suffering, resentful of adults, and authorize personnel who actually want to help them and get them off the streets.

Those teens are distrustful. They are children who are suffering and in pain, because of some trauma they are going through or have gone through. There are many resources they can utilize and shelters they can assist with other programs to get help, even if the home is not an option.


Can you imagine what a female teenager is going through right now? It’s cold outside, shelters are packed with other homeless. They don’t want to go home to an angry parent /parents, who right now have other mouths to feed.

Moms boyfriend is not a safe person to trust right now.  Sometimes the shelter homes will assist you with a program to help you get off the streets.

Now, the eviction ban program is coming to an end and many Landlords are ready to have people evicted. Because they need to make payments on their property or they too will lose their livelihood support as well.

How about our children, those young ones who don’t have any control over anything?  What a time to lose a home, it winters today, but it has been cold for a long time now, since September and it has gotten colder. Doesn’t it feel like no one cares? Like the Government who started all this “stay indoors control gatherings, wear your Masks.” What is a person to do? Do what they say.

This reminds me of the depression in 1929 and continued until 1933. Others are saying this is how things will be.  The Spanish influenzas started in 1918 and lasted until 1920.

Today, we have COVID-19, which started I believe in 2019. I believed I caught it during a time my immune system was low, as I laid in a hospital bed. After I got home from the hospital, that same day, I woke up with a really bad cold, I had a high fever, my body ached with pain, and I was having trouble breathing.

My chest hurt. I recovered within a month at home. I felt like I had shortened my life span. I was very weak afterward. Today, I feel back to my old self again. Healthy, vibrant, and energic. I am grateful to be here today.

I worry about the children and how all this will affect their little lives. Will they be traumatized? Will they be OK with all this? Children are so adaptable in many situations. It starts from a strong parent, a survivor themselves. A survivor who refuses to be a victim, but a survivor.

When I was talking to one of my children. She stated she had survived because of how strong I was during the bad times. I thanked her for that, I was feeling so guilty about the trauma I placed them through, by making bad choices.

As parents, we must forgive ourselves. I finally did as I write this book of survival. Some children will pull through. Some will have a rough start; some will make something of themselves. For their instincts, tells them to survive.

May God bless them, and continue to protect them.