Dealing with the underlying issues of trauma from your past gives you freedom from trauma which binds you and prevents you from having a full life.
Let’s do a little process together, you and me. Join me by taking three deep breaths. Breathe in (pause)
Breathe out (pause)
Breathe in (pause)
Breathe out (pause)
Breathe in (pause)
Breathe out (pause)
When I say my name, I want you to replace it with your name, follow along and repeat after me. I Rosa M Luna
see and draw to me through the divine love
and the Angels,
my spirit guides, and my God source,
all who seek enlightenment thru my process
to RE-Activate me Now!
To start feeling good, NOW!
I Rosa M Luna
Hold the key to the achievement of any state of being,
any state of health,
any state of wealth,
any state of anything!
I Rosa M Luna,
want and desire, let me focus on ME!
Starting with what I Rosa M Luna,
desires right NOW!
Re-activate my self-healing power
for my life extension NOW!
I Rosa M Luna
am a constant gatherer of experience and knowledge.
My life is not only about that!
It is about fulfillment, satisfaction
and one of JOY!
My life is a continuing expression of life and love
And who I, Rosa M Luna
truly am the creator of my own experience.
I, Rosa M Luna,
will learn to understand my
Then my naturally joyful “zest” for life
will youthfully return.
I Rosa M Luna love myself!
Take a deep cleansing breath in
Okay. We are done.
Congratulations. You are on the path to your new life.
Not all of us are doing this alone, for example, Johnnetta McSwain suffered childhood trauma at the age of 4 years old. Wrote a book about her trauma and went to school to get her Ph.D. She wrote a statement that I would like to quote – “Becoming self-aware that we are women of strength who stand for survival, empowerment, motherhood, leadership, love, nurturing, beauty, respect and courage to overcome anything.” These words are so encouraging to all of us that can remember them and apply them to our lives.
Now you can have an exciting new life free from the threat of diseases that are caused by not dealing with your trauma issues. You will achieve a state of healthful wellness, and you will look and feel younger, just by dealing with your past trauma. Like me. I have seen life at its worst and I thought it would be the death of me, but I have a new lease on life and am living the life of my dreams. Believe me when I say, “I know what you’re going through,” you are not alone. If I can do it, you can do it, too. My name is Rosa m. luna thank you for listening, and you can find me at Rosa M Many Blessings.