
Why Do We Sabotage Ourselves Sometimes?

I know I need to get another job, my unemployment check is going to stop sometime this month, not sure when, I need to find out when I will do that. I do that as soon as I wash dishes.  I can’t do that until I…

Sound familiar? It’s called procrastination. Have you done this before? I know I have. Then, you stop and while washing dishes, think of all the other overwhelming things you have to do and go back to that, “oh well, I will do what I have to do to survive.”

I have an interview tomorrow and I need to go over some of the possible questions they will be asking. I am guessing right now because I do not know exactly what questions they will ask me, but I have to be ready for those questions, (sigh!) What am I going to say about myself? They always ask those questions.

Why do I want to work in this job? Well, I need to pay my bills!  No. I can’t say that!! BUT IT’S THE TRUTH! What can you bring to this company, that we do not have now?  Oh, dear God, the pressure!

What am I going to wear? No, I can not do this? I just won’t show up. Yeah, that’s it! I still have a couple of weeks to find another interview. Now, you have just sabotaged yourself.

Your low self-esteem has taken over. You have talked yourself out of an interview and out of a job. My clients would know ahead of time that they will be interviewed. Think about the whole ordeal until it drove them crazy, (sort of speak) and did not call me, until the last minute of the interview. It would be too late to talk them into it. I would also call to check on how it went.

Sometimes, I would call the employer and ask if I could be on the interviewing committee.  My client would feel better if they could just see me. I know this is overly extreme, but it worked, my client would get that job and do well there. There are some very understanding employers.

Sabotaging ourselves happens because of a trauma, that has turned into a mental state of mind.  It feels like the whole world is untrustworthy. People are against you. You are in some state of danger. Sounds like paranoia, yes, another symptom of trauma.

A Therapist’s job is to remind you of what you have accomplished for yourself and how far you have come. Sometimes, we fall back over some pressure and stress, but we must see how we have been thriving. It’s important to know that sometimes there will be harder days than others.

We have come to be self-aware that we are women and men of strength, we are survivors. We can find strength in each other. Together we can overcome anything.  I know we have all been there. Know that we are not alone. One of our main problems is we are not asking for help. We are stronger together.

When you are feeling low go to your support group or call a support group friend. You just might have called them at the right time, when they needed to be heard too. Why is it so hard to ask for help? Our pride maybe. Our ego says “we can do this ourselves” “we do not want to be seen as weak”. Really?

We are strong, we are courageous, we are nurturers, we are love, we are leaders. We are there for each other remember that.

Merry Christmas! Many blessings and strength to all of us.