
Has This Pandemic Caused Trauma?

It is more like how has this pandemic caused trauma? It has inflicted an illness, first of all, that has killed many people who the virus has touched. It removed people from their livelihood and many have become homeless. It is almost like that movie, “Outbreak.” To scare us even more, it was listed on Netflix and we watched it.  There, like here we saw people lose their loved ones. Just like today, and right now.

We could go on and on about how it has affected all of us. I wanted to focus on how it made us change. Emotionally, physically, and mentally.

I feel bad for those who are now homeless, living out in the open, under cold tents in this winter weather. Children who are cold, because mom and dad cannot handle the finances due to been laid off from work. Many things are mainly political, but these things are happening and been dealt with by those who do not realize or care how cold it is outside with only a thin blanket on them.

How about the $600.00 dollars stimuli check? Thank you for that, it did come in handy, I did not feel it come into my account. Why, because it only paid for my butane tank for cooking and heating and it didn’t cover the whole bill, I needed more.

We were thankful of course, but other nations received more than we did, of own taxes, did anyone think of that? Do we have control of where our taxes go? No.

This trauma will stay with us for a lifetime. Those experiencing this at this moment will never forget the chaos, the protesting, and its causes into the businesses due to the riots and looting of the local town businesses.

No work, little money, dreading the limit, and the end of the “eviction temporary law.” Now that it has been extended to March 15th. What then? The problem still will exist?

The government has found two vaccines, that the FDA has approved Pfizer and Moderna, but as I understood it, is going to take two doses of it after six months because it only lasts 21 to 28 days each shot for protection, Maybe, they are not sure if it will keep you from getting the virus. But symptoms might now not be as serious.

But it will take until December 31st, to contain eighty percent of the people in the united states. If eighty percent of people are safe, then the government will think of placing the country back into the environment. That’s still some time away.

It will still take much more time for the economy to get back on its feet. Today, I am really surprised the Market games are doing well. They are surviving. Is that good? I assume so? Can this pandemic cause trauma? It could, let’s not let it. Let’s not be part of the negativity of it.

This pandemic will shape our psychology for many years to come and for right now has affected many of us, of all ages, gender, and walks of life throughout the globe. Can you believe this? The globe as a whole. We can go on and on, but let’s change this negative thought. In which way has it made some positive changes?

What can we add, toward a more positive aspect of this pandemic that we have been placed in? What can we say that is positive? let’s see.

  • Our attitude is better, we could say, just like our children miss their friends, so do we adults. But they are only a phone call away. we all miss our friends and appreciate them more. Let’s give them a call.
  • Some of us lucky ones are working from home now, we don’t need babysitters, (maybe) moms and dads can handle multiple tasks with each other’s help.
  • This pandemic has given families the opportunity to better dissector to better create family togetherness, healthier entertainment, and a more loving environment.
  • People have greater use of information and knowledge thru the internet.
  • We have learned to use video technology face to face communication.
  • We/I do not miss the hassle of the everyday traffic and rush to get to a meeting.
  • We have also increased our concern for our health, we take our vitamins with more consistency now.
  • Our family’s health concerns us as well.
  • People are more concerned about others losing their businesses. We are starting to care about others.
  • Our kids are using lab tops and learning more technology as well.
  • We sometimes talk to other adults thru videos for more ideas.
  • Join groups online.
  • Family nights, family movies. Date night, kids fix candle lite dinner for mom and dad. (If old enough) (how sweet!)

These are just some of the positive things I could come up with or hear about. I am sure you could have more. Because we are going to have more time for this pandemic, we will have to have more patience with ourselves, our children, and others whose lives we touch, through Video.

This too shall pass. Soon I pray.

Many blessings to you. Please stay positive and healthy. May God bless.







Is Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine Traumatizing?

We are all still under quarantine and restrictions, the poor, sick, and weak.  This virus has spread and now it is a global virus and the world as a whole is infected. “As a whole.”  How did this happen? No one really knows. There are many questions, the elderly, children, and people, in general, are dying. How did this happen? Now dogs, too?

There are so many questions and no answers. Now, we have a vaccine almost a year later. I was watching some doctors on YouTube saying some of the doctors had discovered a cure early on when we first heard about coronavirus, but I did not hear anything more. Why is this virus hurting millions and millions of people, their jobs, and businesses? It is like a Horror movie, like the movie “outbreak”.

I was reading this article that said they were all excited because of the vaccine. There are two different vaccines, one from Pfizer and a second from Moderna. I understand that there are other vaccines that apply different approaches to taking care of the COVID 19, but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) needs to approve them and are going through them as quickly as possible.

As I understand this, there have been some shipped and people have been vaccinated. Especially, with those people who are at higher risk.

Does this mean we can go back to our regular lives?


A doctor, MD, and assistant professor from Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at St. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine said, “To put this crisis behind us and go back to life as we know it”, “we need 80 percent of the United States population to get the vaccine, and it could take a year.”

It was stated that some people will not be able to get the vaccine until June of this year. How traumatizing is that, for those who are affected with the COVID-19 today?

As I understand it, the vaccination will begin in three phases.

First Phase

Because there are limited doses right now, it will be given to the higher risk people first, the health workers, the elderly, and the nursing home staff.

Second Phase

Once there are more doses of the vaccine, they will continue with the high-risk population, and then the vaccine will be distributed to the clinics, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and other medical facilities.

Third Phase

In phase three, and if there are enough vaccine doses, it will be available to everyone. It also depends on where you live, and who gets what.

Phases will vary by what state you live in. Those decisions will be made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with the Governments, the local ones, where you are living.

Are You Safe Getting the Vaccine?

It is claimed that 73,000 people who participated in the trials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine clinical trials, did not experience “serious safety concerns.”

Also, you will probably need two doses of the vaccine. The longest the vaccines last is 21 to 28 days. You will still have to take precautions at least two weeks after the last vaccination. Just to be safe. Social distancing and wearing a mask and avoiding traveling.

These restrictions will still be required due to only 10 percent of people having the vaccine, they will not be protected from getting the COVID-19 and could be reinfected, yet it could be a good possibility.

The vaccine will cause body aches, chills, fever, and swelling in the vaccine shot area. They recommend not to take anti-fever medication or painkillers for at least six hours after your vaccine shot.

Once Vaccinated, Can I Go Back to My Normal Life?


And here is why: The vaccine is not made to prevent you from contracting the virus. It is simply to prepare your body, as a defense, so that you do not become infected and resulting in a life-threatening illness. When the COVID-19 has eased its presence in your community, then officials or the FDA advisory panel from the COVID-19 may lift the restrictions.

Should I Worry About Allergic Reactions?


They said if you are allergic to anaphylaxis. If people have an allergic reaction to food, drugs, or vaccines they should not take Pfizer’s vaccine. In mid-December 2021, The FDA will be working with Pfizer to make a determination on this point. The General reaction could be like being allergic such as reactions to eating peanuts or getting a vaccination for the flu. Symptoms could include hives, swelling of mucous membranes of mouth and tongue, difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure, and toxic shock.

I have taken vaccines that cause me to have muscle spasms, and I thought I was having a heart attack. That was the first time I had taken a vaccine, the second time I tried this again and my reaction was worse.

Making this decision will be a hard one for me.

May God bless us all and continue to protect us.