
Rosa M Luna

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rosa M. Luna. I was born in Eagle Pass, Texas. In a store. according to my mother, She did not know how far along she was due to have me.

Back in the day, my mom and my dad would cross the border to go shopping.  She was shopping when her water bag broke, she went to the bathroom and someone called an ambulance, who took my mom to the hospital. My mom loved being in the hospital.

They left her there for 5 days. That how long Doctors would allow you to stay. They fed, her, took the baby to her baby to feed her. They took care of her and she enjoyed it. My mom had 7 more children, in hospitals.

We were migrant workers. I was working at age 9 in the beet fields when immigration, INS, now called ICE, came and forced my brother and me away from my parents and placed us in school and I felt fear for many hours because I did not speak English and no one tried to explain.. I  have written about my ordeal in my book of trauma-ties in another chapter. What I am trying to convey in my book, is how trauma affects your life if not dealt with.

I have written this book through my book, I may be able to help someone by maybe explaining my understanding of how trauma is tided to many of our decision makings, how it controls your anxieties, how to get help for depression, and many illnesses, that the traumas bring up during your life here on earth.

I made many erroneous decisions, due to my experience o horrific and domestic violence’s in my life, I married men like my father who was an alcoholic and a wife-beater, a child molester, a mean father. I could go on and on about him, but I won”t.

Did I survive why? To help others heal from all this and make better decisions,   I made lots of mistakes, bad decisions, marry the wrong men over and over again, 5 times to tell you the truth..

During which my children also suffered,  due to my wrong decision making. I pray that they will forgive me.

Children are very precious to me. because I have learned how it affected me,, when I was a child, affected my children, and all others who surrounded us.

I learned about addiction, illnesses, and how trauma actually affects your life, your behavior. I remember being very angry and it felt like it was never going to go away.

We can choose to be a victim or a survivor.  I chose to be a survivor. I could have felt sorry for myself and abuse more drugs than I needed… It was not easy by any means.

I have a purpose now.  I want to help people heal. Loving myself, helped me love my fellow man/woman.

I have encountered many individuals who have risen above their pain and suffering. Gave themselves a purpose and using their belief in a higher power.

Having a purpose and a strong belief that there are other positive forces out there,  like your spirit guides, Angels. our Creator that has our greater good in his hands.

I encourage you to read my book and see for yourself, that we are not alone in this. Together we can heal ourselves and others from this affliction.

You are all in my prayers. Many Blessing to you.