
Children Trauma and Nightmares

I hated to see children suffer from nightmares. I, too, had nightmares when I was little, some nightmares, I don’t remember some of them, but one does stand out to me, I remember being sick on top of it all. I actually played with my neighbor. In my nightmare, he was 5 inches tall and hopping all over me wanting to play.

I could not move my body. I was having trouble trying to scream. He would jump on me and vomit on me, and would not stop. I was trying to get him off of me but he appeared to be stronger and I could not get him off.

I would scream for help, but no one would come. I would tell my older siblings about what seemed so real to me. They would just laugh. These nightmares continued almost every night. I did not want to go to sleep.  I finally, was strong enough to tell this to my mom. My mom swept me with an egg and it went away. My mom was a curandera healer. She practiced magic.

I have a grandson who I felt was psychic. He was only 4 years old and would tell me things. One morning, He did not want me to leave him. I thought he was having one of those anxiety withdrawal symptoms. He tried to tell me not to get in my car. “Take mommy’s car!” and he’d cry when I would start to leave. I tried to explain to him “I have to go to work” and it was an hour and 15-minute drive.

I got in my car and 10 minutes into my drive I lost control of my car and wrecked. Was this what my grandson was trying to tell me? My car blew a tire and swerved into another lane and over a ditch and into a bank. I was not hurt and my car did not get a big dent, but I could not drive it. So, I called my daughter for a ride. A policeman stopped to help and called a tow truck to assist me.

My grandson would have nightmares as well. I just happened to be visiting. My daughter had confessed that he had been having trouble for weeks and did not want to go to bed by himself. She had taken him to the doctor. The doctor said to make him sleep gently but authoritatively, to make him go to sleep by himself. “He will grow out of these nightmares.” Yeah, and meanwhile he will get traumatized. Which can affect his health as an adult?

My grandson fought her “tooth and nail”. I laid down with him and he fell asleep so quickly, feeling safe. The poor little guy was exhausted.  After falling asleep, he woke up screaming and crying said something was scaring him. It was a giant blue dog. I saged his room and told him the smoke in the sage would make him disappear. My grandson was satisfied with that and fell asleep. My daughter saged regularly. Doing something about nightmares, like the sage ritual, is better than doing nothing at all, plus it worked!

I am not saying, “not to go to a doctor,” there could be some other medical factors involved. Medication could be the cause or the answer. They really don’t know what causes nightmares. If there has not been any trauma, like

  • Parents divorcing.
  • Parents fighting.
  • Bulling in school.
  • Is someone torturing him/her somehow? Like at school.
  • Someone is molesting him/her sexually.
  • Ask your child what is heshe afraid of?
  • What is making him/her so afraid?
  • Assure him/she is safe.
  • Hug him/her and cuddle. Let him/her know he/she is very loved.

But, if the doctor is just going to give the child sleeping pills, and says, “they will outgrow the nightmares,” it will be harder to get him out of the nightmare, due to the medication. Try a ritual of sage, wave feathers around him, and pray. Do something…  Poor Kid.

Definitely get a doctor involved when;

  • Your child’s nightmares start interfering with his daytime activities.
  • Feels too ill to go to school and play with his/her friends.
  • Your child’s nightmares have gotten overly and severely psychological.
  • Unexplained illnesses, or self-inflicted wounds.
  • A child hits his/herself.
  • Some bad trauma is happening if the child is wetting the bed.

Yes, my grandson’s nightmares stopped. He does not remember “the big blue dog” running after him down the hallway.

Here’s what you can do that your little one and they will love it. Make little messages or phrases that will make your child happy. Get on the internet and download “positive messages for kids” and you will get a list of little phrases to say to your child/children. It will be appreciated; you can also use them for your older kids and grandchildren as well.

Many blessings my friends. God bless.