
Unresolved Trauma is Killing You

In my coaching practice I work with women who struggle with unresolved trauma that extends back in time, sometimes trauma they endured from their earliest age. If you have traumatic memories locked away in dark recesses of your mind and hidden inside your body, this unresolved trauma is killing you.

This is an innate survival instinct. It’s as if your higher aware self realizes that if you had to deal with the pain from these adverse childhood experiences (ACE) head-on, you may not survive the process, and at the very least, it may affect the rest of your life so dramatically, your life may crumble all around you, jeopardizing your survival.

A client is attracted to or referred to my practice because they are suffering the consequences of repressing unresolved childhood trauma. While my clients may look like high-functioning adults on the surface, the unresolved traumatic wounds, which though they are hidden from the surface, continue to fester and infect the area in the mind or the body where they are hidden from conscious view.

The more the hidden wound remains ignored, the more the out-of-sight the more septic it becomes. It grows and spreads its toxic poison throughout the body, and it will surface somewhere as a symptom. When unresolved trauma expresses itself, it may show up in the form of disease symptoms.

Most medical science will dictate that if the patient comes in with the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, then following the prescribed treatment regimen for that disease would be the logical course of action to administer as a proper medical response.

But what if the root cause of the disease (whatever disease that may be) is this toxic ACE wound that is continuing to grow and release even more poison into the body, while the doctor treats the symptom?

The patient feels better, may even be able to clear the symptoms of the originally diagnosed disease, but the poison continues to spread, expressing itself again. This time presenting a new batch of symptoms. Maybe this time they show up as the symptoms of heart disease, some other disease, mental disorder, self or substance abuse.

The body will continue to break down and deteriorate until there is no life left in it if, and the victim will often entertain suicidal ideation if these unresolved childhood traumas are not dealt with, and they will have no idea why their life is in shambles. The symptoms can cause problems in all areas of life including friends, family, and the workplace.

If you are ignoring or pushing down your trauma from the past you are sick and tired, and your life is a mess.

The thing is, that your mind is desperately trying to protect you, and experience has convinced your subconscious mind that this (hiding the wounds) is the best course of action because it works – in the short term. You get up the next morning, your life goes on, seemingly without a hitch… while the poisonous toxins invade and spread silently in your body until they reach critical mass and reveal themselves.

In many cases, repressed trauma will stay hidden until another traumatic event, news reports, or the death of the perpetrator triggers the memory.

In my life, I have dealt with enough adult trauma to keep me focused on my own recovery. I have spent most of my adult life working with others dealing with mental health issues, many of which were the result of repressed trauma, and it wasn’t until my own childhood trauma was uncovered under hypnosis, that I realized how important this work is and how deep the rabbit hole could go.

I was nearly killed as a four-year-old victim of sexual abuse, and this led to a series of victimization which continued until my teens, which my mind protected me from, knowing that I might not have made it otherwise, so these memories were secretly stored in my body, and they did express themselves as a disease.

Into my adult years, I continued to find myself in dangerous and abusive situations, dealing with each one, until I could finally break the cycle. I then focused my efforts to help other victims do the same, freeing themselves from the cycle of abuse, healing hidden wounds of unresolved trauma, and starting a new life, free from trauma.

Some of this work is so critical and deep, that we must summon all the power of God and the universe to do this sacred work.

I am a fourth-generation Curandera Healer, who retired from my work as a Mental Health Counselor for the State of Oregon after 34 years of service. I also studied to become a Reiki Master and teacher, and am a Certified Olympian Life Coach.

It takes all the therapeutic science, training, tools, techniques, spiritual practices, and intuitive coaching methods I have been able to accumulate to find ways to help victims take their lives back from the trauma they suffered in the past, so they do not have to be victims anymore or ever again.

I have written a book entitled Trauma-ties which reveals my traumatic past and gives the reader insights into their own potential hidden and repressed trauma. I also train and certify counselors to be Trauma Advisors.

If you are suffering from repressed trauma, please feel free to reach out to me. And remember, you are not alone. With a compassionate and empathetic hand, we can get you through this.

If you are a therapist or counselor looking to expand your practice to include helping others with unresolved trauma, and you are interested in becoming a Certified Trauma Advisor (CTA), please contact me as well.

Many blessings to you and yours,

Rosa M Luna