
Turning the calendar 2020 page into calendar 2021 page

Happy new year! How do YOU, bring in the new year. Many people in many cultures bring in the new year, by placing a hand-made scarecrow, fill it with unwanted material or letters that you wrote about the troubles of this year 2020 of releasing what you don’t want. Place inside it the scarecrow’s pockets and at midnight, on the strike of 12.00 A.M. lighted up in a safe place. All the family or those who believe in this tradition, stand around and see all their troubles and worries, burn away. All regrets gone.

There is another tradition, where people clean their houses, save the dirty water in a bucket and at midnight throw the water outside. You welcome the new year in a clean house. Representing a clean start for the New Year. I am sure there are many ways, people bring in the new year.

We have had a different year, this year, we saw our share of bad luck, the COVID-19 virus, People lose their jobs, on January 15th people will possibly lose their homes. More homeless out in the streets, unfortunately, Children included. I read on the internet that many popular restaurants are closing. I-hop restaurant, I am going to miss the pancakes. They said it was due to people are now eating healthier.

Applebee’s, taco bell, not all restaurants, but the ones not making much money. There are many many more, some not closing in certain locations like olive gardens, Burger King, the biggest hamburger and fries’ place Red Robbins. They are closing 10 percent of their locations.


It is as if there is something magical about New Year’s Eve. It is a very powerful symbol that wipes out the bad stuff and brings in new possibilities. A new job. A new relationship. Better financial opportunities.  On and on.

I wish we could take the disappointments, our fears, the unwelcomed health problems we now face with the virus, many other uncertainties that could come our way.  I pray all these restrictions disappear and all of us who own a little business, survive for another round. Everyone is trying to do their best. Even trying to be positive.  Let me tell you, it’s starting to be a little wary and it is taking a toll on all of us.

I sprinkle the world with positive energy, the white light of the holy spirit. I add the surviving with the divine energy and pray for everyone’s courage and strength to be filled with what people need to survive this pandemic. Our people are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

We must do what we must to survive.  Make room for the new open yourself to the potential of receiving. I bless my daily basic what comes with every day.  Like this Christmas, I received cards with loving messages from friends that I had not heard of in a long time. It’s a blessing.

I bless many things you might think is weird. Like my bills for coming in and my money for been here for me to pay them. Manny things you receive are blessings. If you think of them in a positive way and sincerely throughout the feeling and strong emotions, a blessing will come your way. Just pay attention. to the little blessings. People saying “hello” which means I love you as a person. People who do not know you will come up and say good morning.

Open your arms to the beautiful sky and the sunshine, when you see the sun thank it for coming your way to shine on you. We have an ocean of abundance. If we put out positive energy and thoughts, we will receive positive blessings.