
Healing from Trauma

Trauma is defined as something that throws us off balance. It is a state of confusion and forces us to shut down emotionally. Traumatic events can damage your senses, leaving you hopeless and vulnerable in this world. We will explain to you how to heal from trauma.

What happens with your body when you are traumatized?

Overproduction of stress hormones:

If you are consistently in a state of trauma, your stress hormones stay active and keep you in a state of high alert. You might experience a trembling startle response that reminds you of the traumatic event.

You will feel the fight or freeze mode:

You’ll either fight against your trigger or run from it; you will feel paralyzed. You may experience sleep disorders, and you may hate meeting people or isolate yourself.

Trauma is linked to future health problems.

Stress from a traumatic event can have long-term health effects:

  • Heart and liver chronic disease
  • Gastrointestinal illness
  • Cancer
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional numbness
  • Memory lapses
  • Distractibility
  • Diabetics
  • Many other unexplained illnesses.

I have a clientwho  suffered trauma, as a young child and because the body remembers, her body started to deal with the trauma that had not be resolved.

. This client was trying, but her body was reacting to her some unresolved symptoms of trauma.

Its important to love yourself. Doing things you enjoy, dancing, reading, or something that lightens up your heart.

At 14 years old she had to be hospitalized with pendezides.  Spend a week in the hospital recovering from that. Then she lost her touciles “repressed emotions”, later her gallbladder, “not been able to let go “bitterness. This is according to Louise Hays “ yu can heal your life.

today at 45 she is going through healing from diverticulitis, an illness where doctors had to take out 18 inches of her intestines. “She is spilling out her guts”. Physically.

Because spiritually she is unable too.

We need to heal ourselves by changing what is happening to us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. There is no need to continue with unresolved issues. They no longer serve us.

There are some phases of trauma recovery:

Safety and stabilization:

This phase aims to feel safe and secure. Trauma makes you feel uncertain in your body, and it can take months or years to feel safe and secure again. Depending upon the severity of trauma and how well you process it with your will-power.

The first step is to identify which of your emotions are linked with trauma, like intense fear or depression, and then learn how to manage and heal from these emotions. You can help this with the help of your loved ones or talking to a therapist. Getting help thru a mental health professional.

Remembrance and mourning:

The second phase is to name your trauma. Begin to use words and emotions to give a name to trauma and explain your situation to your friends or have counseling from a therapist to reduce your trauma and heal you. Give yourself time to grieve and express your feelings.

Reconnection and integration:

The third phase is about giving new hope to you for the coming future. Let you redefine yourself in a healing process. Take some steps to reclaim your personal will-power. Add a Mindful element, and meditation can also calm and help you as well. Mindfulness helps you to live in the current moment rather than thinking of the past.

Post-traumatic growth:

The fourth phase is post-traumatic growth. In this phase, you may be changed by your experience of trauma. Post-traumatic growth is experienced when positive mental health experiences are experienced, which raises you to a higher level of functioning than you otherwise have achieved.

Achieving recovery:

By going through these phases successfully, it will be time to entirely free from the traumatized life and live a meaningful and rewarding life. Recovery from trauma gives a person new meaning to his life and the strength and secret of living a happier life.

Learning to let go and acceptance can be vital to healing from emotional trauma. You must allow yourself the opportunity to heal. I now look back at the past with love and choose to learn from my old experience. The past is over and gone , you cannot change that,  I can control Only my experience of this moment, to love myself, for being me. Loving me for bringing myself through this past as a survivor. I share with you, who I am. We are all connected spiritually, Now, we are now well.

Many Blessings to you.